long time din update my blog. it's time to come back to my lovely blog and blog about my daily life so that i can refresh my memories when i'm old? :D so let's get started !! DENG~ DENG~ DENG~ DENG~
A so-called busy thursday. spent my morning,afternoon and night time with iiwentan ;) simple yet having lots of fun. *because of her imba-ness pattern*
we went Taiper Walker at kuchailama for our breakfast ;) We like this place caz the food is nice and cheap. mosttttt importantlyyy .... there is a DESSERT shop beside this restaurant, named [ SWEET HUT] :P we loves dessert! 

me and iiwentan. i have no idea why her photo so blur.
taiwan noodles. haha, i forgot the name for this noodles.
This is my favourite food :P it's a must to order this.
Shui gao or wan tun in cantonese. iiwentan favourite woh~
Fried Chicken. hahahahaha
see her pattern pose.
she went body check up woh.
she said very pain woh.
then show me the blood .... hahahaha
nose itchy hai mai? :D hen yang shi ma? :D
after gym at fitness first. I went sg.long to find her again. this time, i'm there to be her mouse :P be her model *nailsssssss*
colour-ed by her ;)
not bad la :x hahaha.
we can't expect much from beginner right?
i know she can improve very fastttttt one ^^
our face with the food. ^_______^
appreciate every single moment with her caz she is leaving malaysia soon.
she's going singapore for like 8 years ? :(
will miss her very muchhhhhhhh.
cant see her pattern anymore. sad *cryyy*
but nevermind we can hang out everyday caz both of us doing ntg during this period plus our boyfie working on daytime so we can fly without worries. hehe
photo of the day.
my result is coming out tomorrow.
ahhh, worries (keep playing around at the second semester >.<)
god bless me! bye.
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