I hate when popcorn curnels get stuck in my teeth!! hahahaha
I press all the "Try Me" buttons on the toys and then just walk away xDDD
I always said "Ok I'm going to go to bed early tonight!"......"Is it seriously 1 am now" @@
I Love It When Teachers Come Into The Class & Say: Please Do Your Own Work then start to chit chat
When i was a kid, i hated going to bed. Now i cherish every hour of sleep. zZZ
♥to someone♥
you're always in my heart ♥
Falling for you never thought I'd fall for ♥
arguments mean nothing...at the end of the day i still love you ♥
i love when you text me first, cus then i know your thinking about me ♥
♥to all of my friend♥
sometimes i'll randomely laughing because,i remembered something funny!!!
and sometimes you all don't get it. IT'S AN INSIDE JOKE!!!
I try not to laugh during serious moments, but end up laughing anyway.=x sorry la,really cant control myself xD
♥ jinmun ♥